Vertical Discrepancy Masterclass: Science & Skill using the Damon Ultima system

Vertical Discrepancy Masterclass: Science & Skill using the Damon Ultima system


Orthodontics in the 21st century should not be about straight teeth only. Our patients are asking for beautiful smiles and faces. This means the approach from the start has to be Aesthetically Oriented. Vertical Discrepancy malocclusions are especially complex and varied, from gummy smiles to facial asymmetry cases they represent a challenge and a worry to many orthodontists.

Luckily today we have amazing technologies to help us achieve all that, specifically combining the Damon Ultima System with TADs will achieve beautiful results that otherwise needed major surgeries years ago. Dr. Borgan's approach is simplified, efficient, and extremely safe. You will be pleasantly surprised how quickly you can adopt his approach the next day at the practice to treat Vertical Discrepancy cases.

The Course Highlights:

  • Components of attractive face.
  • Treatment planning protocols for expressing the 3 parts of attractive face.
  • Learn how to avoid surgery in Gummy smiles and Skeletal Open bite.
  • In-depth discussions of various protocols.
  • VectorTAS: makes the impossible possible.
  • How to guarantee Smile and functionally optimal occlusion.
  • Damon Ultima Bracket Placement Workshop


Quality Orthodontics Orthodontics …. New Definition Attractive Face Science behind DAMON System

Coffee Break

Protocols to treat the 4 Variations of Gummy Smile:

  • Short or Hyperactive upper lip
  • Reduced Clinical Crown Length
  • Dentoalveolar Extrusion/Non-Surgical
  • Vertical Maxillary Excess/Non-Surgical


Protocol to treat Open Bite cases Non-surgically

  • Severe Cases in Adult
  • Open bite cases that convert into Gummy Smiles


Protocols to Manage Facial Asymmetry Cases

  • Facial Maturation
  • Triangle of Symmetry
  • Differential Impaction Non Surgical Approach

Coffee Break

Damon Ultima Bracket Placement Workshop

Deprogrammer Fabrication Workshop

Damon Ultima System Essentials Demo

Course Fees


Dubai Healthcare City, Al Razi Building No. 64, DHCX

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