This is a comprehensive pediatric dentistry workshop which will cover all the major clinical pedodontics topics.
Lectures will include
- Pediatric endodontics (Pulpectomy and Pulpotomy)
- Pediatric esthetic dentistry- Zirconia crowns and Bioflx crowns (world’s first esthetic flexible preformed crowns)
- Preformed Stainless steel crowns for primary and mixed dentition.
- Application of Silver diamine fluoride in children.
- Discussion on preventive dentistry and space management
- Witness more than 50 cases with clinical documentation.
Hands on will include
- Preformed stainless steel crown on a 3D printed model (crown selection, tooth preparation, crimping, and contouring)
- Bioflx crowns on a 3D printed model (Anterior and Posterior)
- Zirconia crown on 3D printed model
- Single visit prefabricated chairside space maintainer
- Space maintainer banding and impression making.
- Participants will be able to do a proper treatment planning of their case.
- To be able to improve their obturation skills and choose the obturation material wisely.
- To be able to place various preformed crowns and do anterior esthetic rehabilitation cases in children.
- To improve their soft skills in Pediatric dentistry